These are DIY(Do-It-Yourself) replica kits of the very popular Amateur Radio Novice CW transmitter from the 1950s and 60s: AMECO® AC-1.
Probably many of the nowadays Ham Radio Veterans remember it from the time and may have started their Ham Radio careers with it.
These are simple two tubes CW only kits. The built in AC power supply uses a 6X5GT rectifier tube, and the oscillator is 6V6GT tube putting 5 to 7 Watts of RF into the antenna feed line.
Band switching is obtained by changing the plug-in coil. Exact transmitting frequency is determined by a FT-243 quartz crystal.
All our kits include mostly military grade parts made in Russia. You will receive all the components needed and very detailed step by step instructions and drawings.

Ameco® AC-1: $230.32 + $12.80 S/H .
This is a replica kit of the original AMECO® AC-1 for 40 Meter band.

Ameco® AC-1T: $230.32 + $12.80 S/H
This is a kit of the improved version AMECO® AC-1T for 80/40/20 Meter bands.

Ameco® AC-1T FINISHED replica: $260.62 + $12.80 S/H
This is a FINISHED replica of the improved version AMECO® AC-1T for 80/40/20 Meter bands.
This particular transmitter comes with tube 6V6-S made by JJ Electronics and tube 6X5-GT made by Groove Tubes , CA. You will also receive a crystal and a coil for 80m band.

Ameco® AC-1Monster FINISHED replica: $255.52 +12.80 S/H ... Only ONE Available.
Don't be afraid... it is the same good old AMECO® AC-1,but with a monstrous tube... just for fun.
This is a FINISHED transmitter ready for action - just plug in your key and you are all set.
Once again please understand that the tube (type 1616) is only for visual effect.
If you do not use PayPal or Credit/Debit Cards you can send a check payable to "68 Inc." by mail to "68 Inc., 7900 Crawford Ave, Skokie, IL 60076, United States".
There are more Ameco parts that you might want to get on our Parts page. To see them: Click here...